Day Five - Silence and the Sacrament
Tonight, in lieu of the Evening Office I spent time in the presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.
Exposition, Adoration and Benediction were never really part of my own personal piety, but since coming to serve in this parish, and having become a regular attendee of On Fire Mission's national conference, they have become increasingly important for me. Having now experienced the powerful and yet peaceful presence of Jesus in this way, I would not want to be in a situation where I couldn't again.
There is a lovely story of the Curé d'Ars, St Jean Vianney. One day in his latter years, the priest noticed a peasant come into the church building and gaze for hours at Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. The saint asked him what he said to Jesus during all that time. The peasant replied, 'Nothing. I look at Him, and He looks at me.'
There is something profound in that story. As we gaze at Jesus (whether that's in an icon or a stained glass window, on a crucifix, or in this case in the Blessed Sacrament) He gazes at us. There is an exchange which can draw one into a place of real beauty, where love is stirred deep inside us, and makes us long to be in the presence of the one we love.
I don't sit in the presence of Jesus like this very often. But when I do, I find it to be both a time and a place where I am beloved.
Tonight, I found the 20-30 minutes I alotted passed quickly.
It was not arduous or difficult.
I sat. I knelt. I felt peace. I felt joy.
I just did not need to speak.
I was just with the one my soul loves as Solomon puts it in the Song of Songs.
And it was enough.
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