Day Eight - Spaces

So often I find myself craving silence over the course of a day. All too often I find myself frustrated that I cannot find that renewing at home.

I remember when I first discovered how it is to be 'hangry', being hungry to the point that it affected my mood and I became cross and irritable.

The same is true for me when I have achieved sensory overload. If I've had a particularly heavy day or few days of up front ministering, with little time for silence and renewal, I can become 'spangry' - having given much of myself and finding I have few resources left, I may not be my usual cheery self - I'm spent and that affects my mood.

One of the things I remembered today, apt being Armistice Day, is that as a parish we have beautiful buildings available to us and the wider community. During the week these buildings are are often oases of quiet. They are spaces to stop, to think, to reflect, to pray.

I remembered this because I needed it. 

So this is my current view. I am silent but the walls and windows and fixtures and fittings of the building sing God's praises and tell God's story.

And I am renewed.


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